Friday, January 17, 2014

Flynn Pets: The Dasterdly Collar

                                                           The Flynn Pets: The Dastardly Collar
                Larry was a grey, ordinary tabby cat of the Flynn household. He had a happy life, with plenty of food and warm blankets for cold nights; with the option of going outside or inside whenever he wanted to. One morning, a day before his birthday, he walked inside the house with a happy demeanor. He proudly strutted up to his Alpha cat, Little, to greet her as was custom in their home. She was currently sleeping on her favorite spot on the cat tree when he approached her.
                "Good morning Little," he greeted her gladly. She popped her head up and stretched to fully wake herself up.
                "Good morning Larry," she returned. "How are you on this fine fall morning? You seem pretty happy,"
                "I am doing well," he answered her question. "And you guessed my mood correctly. I am happy because my birthday is tomorrow. But, can I ask a favor?"
                "Sure Larry," she agreed, "what can I do for you?" She was hoping it wasn’t hard, because she was tired already.
                "Will you ask our humans if I can have a collar for my birthday this year?" he asked her politely. "I have been wanting one for a couple of days now."
                "Sure Larry," she answered him. "I'll ask them in a few minutes. Can I finish my nap know please?" Little couldn't actually talk to her owners. That would be completely absurd, not to mention weird. But she did have her own way of communicating with them.
                "Of course Little," he reassured her. He then gladly pranced off into his owners bedroom to greet her.
                The rest of the day passed with no important happenings, and the next day came to Larry with a happy attitude. He was woken up by his second owner, who in her own language (which sounded jumbled to Larry) sang to him what sounded to him like the Happy Birthday song. As this was happening, she slipped on a dazzling blue collar, with his very own name tag and everything! He was so happy, that he loved on her for a whole ten minutes, before she had to go back to her schoolwork. He then walked around the house proudly with his brand new, dazzling blue, new collar to the world.
                "I see they gave you your collar," Little expressed to him as she walked up behind him. She had just finished eating her breakfast.
                "Yes ma'am they did!' he announced. "Thank you by the way, for asking them to get it for me for my birthday."
                "No problem," she answered with a chuckle. "But, I would be careful where you go with that outside. If you crawl around in the bushes or climb trees, it may get stuck or snagged on a branch."
                Larry pushed this aside. He was too small for that! After leaving Little, he followed his Alpha owner outside to go show his collar to his buddy Ringo, who was waiting outside for him. Larry played with the outside feral kittens  for about half an hour, and then played with Ringo for an hour or two. They were playing Scare-Your-Buddy, when Larry was crawling around in the bushes, and realized he was restrained. He noticed that his collar had been snagged on a loose branch. He tried to get away himself, but to no avail. Then he remembered what Little had warned him about crawling in the bushes with his collar on. Embarrassed, he started to call/meow for his Alpha owner, who was sitting on the porch, enjoying the cool fall breeze. She then came to his rescue. She took his collar off, and set him free. Some of the kittens laughed at him, but Ringo whipped them into shape. Larry's Alpha owner let him inside.
                "I told you that you shouldn’t run around in the bushes with your collar on," she scolded him, as he sulked behind the couch.
                "I know," he sighed, "but what's  a cats life without adventure? I should probably be more careful what I wish for though." And with that, he never put on that dastardly collar again.
                                 The End