Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Simple Facts About Saturn

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Simple Facts About Saturn

                Saturn is one of the most beautiful planets there are out in this part of the solar system. But, it would not be an ideal place for human colonization for two reasons. One, because it is a gas giant, being mostly made of helium and other gasses. Two, because of the violent storms that have raged on for years. Jupiter is a 'twin' according to astronomists and scientist out there, because it is a very similar planet to Saturn. Most of its basic features are pretty much identical to Saturn. One of the only major differences, is that Saturn is a little smaller than Jupiter. Saturn's rings are made of rocks, which have been pulled by Saturn's gravity, and his shepherd moons. A shepherd moon is a moon, which pulls together and 'herds' the rocks around it. Basically meaning, it 'herds' the rocks that make the rings around Saturn, and keeping them from flying off into space. It would take thirty Earth years for Saturn to orbit the Sun. That's a lot! But ironically because of its winds and storms, it spins faster than it rotates. That is why it looks like its being squeezed, with a round body and a flat top. There was a space mission that went to Saturn called the Cassini mission. It took the Cassini thirty years to get to Saturn, take pictures of him and his moon Titan, and then finish what it came to do. Many good things have come out of this mission, and we have learned a lot from it. We learned more about Saturn's haunting beauty, and his magnificence. 

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