Thursday, June 19, 2014

Simple Facts About Pluto

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Simple Facts About Pluto

                Pluto is the only planet that we do not know a lot about.  It was found in the Kuiper Belt, which is comprised of objects in space (most of them rocks and debris) outside of the orbit of the planets around us.  It is seen as the marker of the end of our solar system.  It was discovered after years of research because astronomists saw that Neptune was being pulled with gravity by something.  Of course, they learned later on that it wasn't Pluto doing so, but this question did lead to Pluto's discovery.  Some, because of the facts surrounding the discovery, think that Pluto is not a real planet.  One of the main reasons is because Pluto's moon, Charon, looks too big to be a moon.  Also, some think that it is just a comet, because of its orbit.  But, the answer to the question varies from person.  Both sides have equal standpoints that make sense, so it's really hard to choose.  Which one will you choose?
Kuiper Belt
 Here's an article I enjoyed:
2nd image taken from this article:

3rd image taken from this article:

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