Friday, April 25, 2014

Music Effects Rats? Who Knew?

February 6, 2014
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Music Effects Rats? Who Knew?

                Many speculations today have been brought forward that we may be effected by the music we listen to. Although we may not be effected, it is true for the species of rats according to Dr. Frances Rausheur. She went to school at the University of California Irvine, and had conducted many experiments before, but none so odd as this one.  She one day gathered three groups of rats into her lab. She put them in the same sort of environment, fed the same food with the same amount at the same time every day, but they had very different auditory environments. The first group of rats listened to the classical strings of Mozart. The second, a minimalist called Philip Glass, whose music was very repetitive. And the third, listened to no music at all. She raised them from birth to maturity, and every day she put in the music for sixteen hours a day. May I tell you, that to a rat is a full day.  After they were mature, they were tested for their intelligence by the way of mazes which I am sure you have heard of. And, not only were the Mozart rats TWICE as intelligent as the rats who listened to no music at all, the ones who listened to Philip Glass, could not even finish the maze! They just bounced around on the walls of the maze, acted completely retarded, and could not even finish the maze at all whatsoever. Now, how does this apply to us? You see, all mammalian brains act a little like each other, so what might affect a rat,  it is very possible that it effects us as well. So, be careful what you listen to, because in the long run it will affect you.


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