Friday, April 25, 2014

The Sun

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The Sun: One of God's Many Ways of Showing Us He Cares

            Have you ever thought of why the Sun is our source of light and not another source? Because if the universe was really created by chance and not by some thought and design, then why isn't the Sun different? How is it so perfectly hung in the sky and not burning down on us like the biggest torch; or why isn't it so far away that it seems like its deserting us in the cold? That question had one answer: God. In many ways it's obvious that the LORD created everything and everyone. The Sun is only one of those many, many spectacular things.
            (1)When it comes to the size of the Sun, it's enormous. You can put approximately one million Earth's inside of it, which is incredible considering the Earth's size. The only reason why it looks so small in the sky, is because it's extremely far away, over ninety-three million miles! That's and incredible distance. It is over ten thousand degrees on the outside, and millions more on the inside. It is one million times brighter than a light bulb, which is why we can’t stare at it for too long. The other reason why we can't stare at it, is because the retina in the back of your eye magnifies the light that it sees. (5) So, imagine if magnified something that is one million time brighter than a light bulb! But, what most people don't want to recognize, is that this can be used to show the glory of God. If it's hard to look at the Sun, imagine how impossible for it to be to look at God! When Moses asked to see God, God told Him that though He couldn't show His face, He would show His back to Him. And even then, when Moses came down from the mountain after seeing God's back you know what happened? (6)His face glowed! It glowed so much that his beard and hair turned white. Doesn't that show you something? (2)If it's so hard to look at the sun in all its beauty, imagine what God would be like! (3)Obviously this testifies that if our Sun was created by chance, it would be a little more dingy than it is right now.
            (1)The Sun also is what separates day and night.  One spin around the Sun is a year. When the Moon spins around us once, it’s a month, and one spin of the Earth is a day. The order in that is so spectacularly designed! (3)Obviously, that is way too orderly for that to be a mistake. That's one reason why we need the Sun. (2)But although it's beautiful, it does act violently on its own. It has regular solar flares, which are big mountains of towering fire. (6)Scary, huh? These solar flares could be potentially dangerous to us, if it were not for our atmosphere. Our atmosphere (especially Ozone) keeps these solar flares from reaching us and burning us to a crisp. But if that was just it, then what would be worth the struggle to know that? That's another place where God comes racing in. You see, the good thing about these solar flares, is that especially in the regions of the Antarctic, they create these beautiful lights in the sky called Auroras. These brilliant lights flow in the sky with a range of colors, that’s so amazing, so spectacular, it balances out the bad things about these solar flares. (5)You see, God knew what He was doing. While you may not want to believe it, every bad thing in this world will come to an end in a good purpose to His will. The solar flares are just one out of many.
            (1)Sun spots are another way of God showing the world that His order and care is existent. What sun spots are, are literally spots on the sun. (3)Interestingly, these spots they are actually cooler than the rest of the sun! And some can be as big as the Earth, even bigger maybe. (2)But, there purpose is actually quite the opposite of what you might think it is. Scientist and Astronomers have noticed, that the hotter the Sun gets, the more sun spots it has! The sun spots actually seem to heat up the sun instead of cooling it down.  And since there are more sun spots showing up every year, this shows you that the sun is getting brighter every year. (5)Now, I think this goes directly against evolution. (6)You want to know why? Well, if the sun is getting brighter every year, which would show you that back in the past, the sun did not shine at all. This would make the earth uninhabitable for the Human life to evolve as the evolutionists sat they did. But, if you only go back at least ten thousand years, the sun would still be bright enough, especially if God made it. There is just too many cues and clues coming from God that are showing us that He exists. Too many of them tell us that the LORD sent his Son, his only and magnificent Son, to die for us and our sins. Too many tell us that he then rose again and defeated death, mans number one enemy. While we may not notice it, the Sun, is just one of the many ways that God shows to us to show that He cares for each and every one of us.

 Image taken from this neat article about photographing the sun:

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