Friday, April 25, 2014

Simple Facts About Mars

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Simple Facts About Mars
                Mars is what Astronomers and Scientist call the Red Planet. This is because in the sky, the planet looks red. The atmosphere on Mars is very thin and has no oxygen at all. The surface is terrestrial, and because the ground is reflecting the sky it’s a reddish brown. The biggest volcano on Mars is the Olympus Mons. It is actually the biggest volcano in the solar system. The two moons of Mars are called Phobos and Deimos. They are not like our moon being potato shaped, but they still have the qualities of a regular moon. They also have a weird orbital pattern. It takes Mars 25 hrs. to rotate, and 687 Earth days to fully orbit the Sun. The weather on Mars is always cold, because of how far away the Sun is. Astronomers think that Mars would be the planet to go to if we ever reached farther out into the stars, because it is the only planet that is close enough to our planet's atmospheric, terrestrial, and temperate conditions. 
Image taken from:

Here is an interesting link from NASA: 

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