Thursday, November 14, 2013

Back In Time

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“Back in Time”

                Before the railroad was ever invented, whatever time it was depended on where you stood.  They used no timetable, except the city’s timetable and the sun.  This meant that if it was noon in New York, it was probably 12:12 in Boston.  This worked ok for a while, until the railroads came along.   The thing with this was those two minutes meant the difference between a collision and safe travel when it came to the railroad track.  That is why a man named William F. Allen created the American wide timetable.  At first it wasn’t widely accepted. But in a matter of time, Allen would have his dream of America being split into four time zones.  Then, in 1918 Congress created the time the time-belts. Because of Allen’s genius idea, we are now united in land and in time. 

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Just for fun:

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