Thursday, November 14, 2013

Good Doc., Bad Doc.

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Good Doc., Bad Doc.

                During the 1900’s in Europe, doctors were in two separate groups. They were the learned physician, and the barber surgeon. The learned physician was a very dignified man. He both knew Latin and Greek, and wore the finest clothing of that day. And when it came to learning, it was all talk and no practice. Basically meaning that they didn’t do human anatomy, dissection was highly improper, they were very squeamish about the human body, and they would do no operations or wounds. The barber surgeon on the other hand knew more about operations, but they were considered lower than the physicians. They couldn’t speak any other fancy languages or read books, but if you came in with a wound that needed to be stitched up, or you needed an operation, you would get better treatments with a barber surgeon, than a physician. But the sad thing was the physicians would just not give the barbers a single chance when it came to this stuff. It would be many long years before these two classes merged into one.

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