Thursday, November 14, 2013

Violins? Who Knew

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Violins? Who Knew

Four basic people were on the committee of the writing of the Declaration of Independence.  They were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine.  All four had agreed on the first draft of the Declaration, but they also agreed that the final draft needed to be artistic and precise.  But the sad thing was, Adams ideas were too rough, Pain’s ideas were too controversial, and Franklin was too sick to write. So the task was unwillingly set upon the shoulders of Thomas Jefferson. His landlady recorded the struggle he went through to write the document; which consisted of pacing the floor above her and probably a few pens were thrown across the room.  Knowing that pacing accomplished little, Thomas knew he needed inspiration, and he needed it quick. So, he sent home for his Violin.  Once it arrived, what he did with is was much unexpected He would play it for about half an hour, and then would go to his writing desk. A few days after that, the Declaration was ready and complete.  I think that the easy flow of music unlocked his linguistic genius.  Few people know of the role he Violin played in the founding of America.

Image taken from another good site:

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