Friday, November 15, 2013

Flynn Pets: Keeper Of the Blanket


Flynn Pets: Keeper of the Blanket

                Larry and Little were two happy cats in a wonderful home full of goodies and toys and kind guardians. It was literally a domestic cat’s paradise you might say. Though they were extremely happy most of the time, they always had some sort of quarrel going on. One them happened a few mornings ago that seemed pretty hysterical to me. It was a cold and nippy November morning, and Little got cold. She found her absolute favorite blanket, and curled up in it. Soon, she started to dream of fish and milk, and all sorts of other things that cats will dream about. But sadly, this is when Larry found her. Unfortunately, he was cold too, and he wanted the same blanket.

                “Hey,” Larry began to convey. “Can I lay there for a while? I’m freezing my tail off with this weather.” She ignored him. She wasn’t about to give up her warm position, especially in this weather.

                “Alpha Little?” he pestered, “are you sleeping? Because if you aren’t, please answer my question. At least let me curl up with you.”

                “No,” she sighed. “I’m not sleeping, I’m doing what the humans call skydiving. Now go away.” She was so tired of his whining.

                “Well, can you move then?” he asked again. “Or at least move over. It’s only for a little while. Please?” He was getting on her last nerve.

                “No Larry,” she commanded. “I don’t want t move or snuggle. And besides, there’s a perfectly good blanket over there if you’re that cold.”

                “But that one’s itchy!” he complained. “And besides, Dink claimed it before I could, and he’s not willing to share either.”

                “Well then,” she commanded once more, “go curl up someplace else. I hear the Alpha human’s bed is nice and warm.”

                “But,” Larry whined like an annoying little toddler (who he most of the time was), “I want THAT blanket!”

                “THAT’S IT!” Little yelled angrily. She pummeled him, hoping to teach him a good and final (in her opinion), about whining to her for something she already no to. They ended up fighting over the blanket for a few brief minutes. Those few minutes of course, were filled with whomps and whacks and other ct fighting tactics. After those few brief minutes, they stopped for a while and took a quick breather. Over in the chair, Dink (the dog of the family), sat anxiously waiting to join in the play. At least that would keep him warmer, and impress me, who was standing behind the corner of the kitchen watching the whole ordeal.

                “I wanna join you two playing!” he barked happily and loudly, “Can I? Can I? Can I? Please? Please? PLEASE!?”

                “NO!” the cats both yelled. They were not, and I repeat NOT, going to listen to (what seemed at the moment) a puny little dog, who had no idea what they were fighting for. They continued to tussle with each other for a longer period of time. At the end f it Larry started to notice Little was getting tired. So, he waited for the right moment, and BAM! He whomped her on the head! She admitted defeat and slunked off to my bedroom with regret.

                “I knew I could beat an old lady like you!” Larry boasted, as he started to stretch and lay down. “You’re just too easy to beat! I could… Wait, AAAAHHHHH!!” Right then, Dink, seeing that Larry was free, he hopped happily down from the chair, attacked Larry, and knocked him right off of the blanket! He just couldn’t help it!

                “Wheeeeee!”  Dink squealed gleefully as he played with Larry against his will. Little chuckled too herself, content.

                “Dink, stop it!” Larry screeched. “I don’t want to play! Stop! Little help me! NOOOOOO!” She laughed this time.

                “Haven’t you heard the fable of The Cocks and the Eagle, Larry?” she asked, already knowing his answer.

                “I don’t keep track of your crazy fables!” he screeched again. “Dink! Don’t bite me! Please stop it!”

                “Well, just remember this;” she advised him, “Haughtiness comes before the fall.” With that, she walked back over to the spot on her blanket, and curled up cozily there.

                “And that,” she told herself before she fell back asleep to her cat dreams, “Is how we play, ‘Keeper of the Blanket’” And with that, she fell asleep.

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